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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Elizabeth

Beauty Babe – Samantha Perry 6 – Beauty – Hormones

Updated: Apr 23, 2023

It gets us all, once, twice, three times

So, what promoted me to bring up this taboo subject, let me tell you;

Recently, or rather not so recently I have been having some crazy systems, sweats, weight gain, additional mood swings (anyone says they don’t have them, is fibbing), I blamed it on my own stupidity of having to small people very close together. But then when I thought about it, I’d been suffering for over 20 years on and off, with – menstrual flow interruptions, tiredness, skin problems, mood changes and more recently weight gain, brain fog, headaches. Oh the list goes on, moan moan moan.

Then I thought, well we all go through a minimum of starting our period, then possible pregnancy, and then when we finally get used to it all we throw in the huge nasty at the end, MENOPAUSE. If I could add in the Jaws theme music there I would have done.

Could you look back through these stages and say it was a breeze? Even if you hadn’t got an additional hormonal issues? Nah I though not.

But we put up with it “it’s normal, we all suffer, eye roll Janice is off for her ‘time of the month again’ “. No Stop It!! That’s no life, is it? One we should support each other, and too we can do stuff about it.

I decided I’d got enough going on, and my GP poo poo’d it off, so I thought I’m going to see if I can do something myself, lifestyle, supplements, diet anything really. When my colleague came to me, and she was doing the same (see we are in this together, quietly, not talking about it openly, but we are), and she found Caitlin, C/o “House of Hormone”, spoiler alert, she really suffered herself, and just got stuck on the pill and sent away, and this then brought her to look at ways to help her situation, and later down the line now educates others on what is out there to help – inspiring, turn around. Check out her website, lovely lady , Caitlin even does 1-1 support, she has been today to visit the learners at our beauty site, and they looked very involved.

Great work, even if this helps one learner that will make a difference to one person’s entire life.

I on the other hand have looked at Louise Digby, who does hers via nutrition mentoring. I believe that this huge system, the endocrine system that sends hormones all over our body is underestimated, and if we get the balance right, it has a knock on effect for all our organs, systems, tissues and cells right?

So why do we dismiss it?

Education and support are what we require! We need to talk, take away the taboo. There are local menopause café’s arising in the area, this can only welcome the conversation to start, and reassure us we’re not alone. Maybe we should open it up to all, girls as young as 8 years old, are getting their periods, and suffering all the way to menopause in their 50’s plus.

Education is talks, research, knowledge, lets keep the conversation flowing.

I mean always get the G.P’s advice, I don’t know what you have going on, this is just my experience. But imagine a life without hormone issues…IMAGINE, eeekkk!!

Samantha, I have a catalogue of issues, Crohns, AS, many deficiencies, and that’s just the main ones, imagine now adding in hormonal issues, that could lead to insulin issues, ahhhh nooo!! So if I could sort weight gain, night sweats, bad skin, being stressed, feeling tired, thinning hair and all the rest of it I would, I can confirm I would be happy, content, less stressed, which would give me focus and I would feel less chaotic so I could spend my time and energy with my boys.

Your body - Your decision!!

This is a process I see more and more going through as women.

Sex – it’s our choice to say yes, to say no.

Child birth – we say when, and we say how (pretty woman quote, excellent work there Sam), if you don’t want to do it naturally fine, it’s your body, if you only want to breast feed, fine that’s your body.

No judgement here, and from here on, nowhere else!

You make the call, you know your body, it’s yours, and yours to do what you like.

If we have all the information, we can make informed decisions to proceed in whichever direction you wish to follow. Educate yourself, see what your options are, but most importantly talk, we’re all going through it, in our own ways.

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