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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Elizabeth

2 – Care – Knowledge - Teachings

This is where I see myself now;

So I haven’t got to where I am now, content and happy, without some bumps in the road. I was born with severe asthma, eczema etc, and when I started to learn to deal with that, at 16 I developed Crohn’s disease, that was supported by ankylosis spondylitis, with a few extra deficiencies, depression to more recently Severe PND, accompanied by OCD. You name it, I’ve had it. I’d even go so far to say there were some dark times, where I just couldn’t see a way out. However, 20 plus years later, I am the most stable, and relaxed I’ve ever been. Why, or rather how?

Where does it start?

Aged 24 ish, I had my own salon, I was struggling, going off my legs and mentally it was getting me down. I had this client, wild, wonderful woman she was. A woman that could brighten any room. Now she used to follow ‘The Secret’ religiously, basically a trade name for the law of attraction, she went on about it that much and how I needed it in my life, just to shut her up I watched it. Can I say I encourage anyone I come across to watch it, yeah all be it, take it with a pinch of salt, they’re American and Like, a little like, Ott. But the spine of it, I get it!

It changed my mind set enough to pick me up, and fight! Yeah of course doctors helped, but I believe I did the hard work.

I made a vision board – Health, house, babies, husband …. Look who’s got that. Want to know a scary thing, I put prince William, and engagement ring on and a beautiful house, just googled and popped on. I have a William, I have the same ring on my finger, and I live in that house. I know a bit witchy isn’t it, or maybe just my taste ha ha who will ever know?!

Anyway, I digress….

Have you ever?

Been on an aero plane and thought, put my mask on before you help others, what even my children? ARE YOU MAD?

It’s right though, how can you help anyone if you are too poorly? So why not apply this to self-care. How can you support if you are low, down, depressed, stressed, tired, exhausted, drained?

“Sutra” a phrase used in Yoga; it means “thread”. That translated means “knowledge, or teachings”.

I think I found where I belong in life. I think I am here to help, to educate, to guide, all be it I go overboard sometimes, that sets me back full circle, but I recognize this cycle now, I recognize who I am.

Don’t we all want a sense of belonging? But don’t we need to work on us, to find the right path? I sound hippy dippy now, which is far from me I promise but I’m in the zone.

Applied with ‘the pitcher of life’

The theory behind “The pitcher of Life”, still to this day, in my aftercare/sales pitch, in my own homecare and daily life I think of this and try to apply it.

Its all very well having all the top end expensive products, but if you’re going to smoke, drink, eat poorly, not sleep then what is the point right?

80% of our results for our skin are achieved from the inside and lifestyle, 20% is the products, and environment. We should apply this to all concepts.

Take the time for you, so you can be the best version of you.

Read the book before bed, take the dog for a walk, yoga, Pilates, exercise, diet, water, vitamins, skincare, meditation, take a long bath, have an early night.

Sounds like a lot doesn’t it, but it could just be one of those things, that’s enough to keep your mind healthy, and therefore you healthy. If your mind is strong enough, the effects from the rest are a bonus, right?

TLC festival

With all the above in mind, I decided my charity focus would be around the above. We had massage students, we had a tropic skincare lady, for wellbeing we had Henry Maguire counselling and his team, for the mind, we had Gill for her nutrition knowledge, we had doctors checking out skin lesions, we had a tombola, because we need some guaranteed wins don’t, we, especially vouchers and chocolate, maybe wine. We had Zumba, and my favorite the ministry of yoga came to educate about the techniques of breathing. If we made the above essentials rather than luxuries, maybe we’d all be able to live a little less stressed, and a little more focused, with more healthy body, and mind. And if we looked after ourselves first, we could give more of ourselves to others, like to donations we raised for Motherwell, Woman, and children charity.

It’s all very thought provoking isn’t it, but isn’t it all stuff we already know, and probably preach to your friends daily, so why aren’t you listening to your own song and dance? I could go on and on in this subject, I’m currently reading Vex King, he’s fabulous to get you motivated and reset.

Do it, it’s time for you!! The mind is a powerful tool, use it!!

@motherwell @henrymaguirecounselling @zumbabydiane @ministryofyoga @tropicsbydella @herablifenutrition @freyjamedical

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