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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Elizabeth

7 – Women's Security – Lets do our bit

Do you ever get the feeling you were in a place at a certain time to meet someone, for a reason, fate.. if you believe?

I do.

So, I’m doing a mundane Careers Fayre, networking, brand awareness, talking until your little face hurts, until;

I met Amaka, Founder of Alpha Omega WPS Foundation. I instantly felt her passion, through her bubbly personality and thought, mmm I want a piece of that.

I went away and had a little look on social media, and we chatted about what we could do together to help each other in business. We really clicked, Amaka is well on her journey to make a real difference in so many women’s’ lives, and I’m starting mine. I want to be able to give the learners that I come across everyday day the old style “if you knew what I knew now” education. I want to give them the tools to be able to stay safe, to go out and get exactly what they want, and be all they dream to be.

Because I believe it’s that easy!

The Dynamic Anatomy of Women Security, what Acacia Training offers in terms of safety & security to the local women.

So Amaka butters me up, “Sam you already do so much for women in your job role, therapists might be the first person some one tells if they are being abused, you’re a tutor you have young girls that may experience up skirting, FGM, abuse at home, financial abuse, may experience isolation due to language barriers etc”

“So, can I ask you to do a presentation / talk at my event”

Let me tell you, this woman could sell sand to the Arabs, and has charm, so no wasn’t an option. But also, it sparked this fire inside of me. A fire to look after fellow women, to educate my boys at home, to say in my personal life what’s ok, and what’s not. But more importantly give some life tools to the audience I see 9-5 everyday, beauty learners from 16 + years onwards.

So, I had to have a little think, what have I experienced?

* I’ve been a therapist for over 24 years, people have confided in me with their tales over the years, clients, customers, strangers, friends, learners. I’m trusted with so much.

* I’ve been a manager for over 20 years, I’ve had 2-20 ladies in the work place trust in me.

* I’ve worked across the UK, and abroad, I’ve travelled alone, and witnessed quite a bit from Croydon to Spain, to Inverness to Ireland. I could right a book. That’s not including the time on the airlines, I’ve been up skirted in Egypt while stood on the aeroplane stairs.

* I was young once, I’ve experienced night’s out, seen awful things in my local area, and woken up and thought hecky thump I don’t remember getting home, and felt scared that I wasn’t aware, and so thankful I was safe.

* I’ve experienced up skiting, abuse, and such things, and probably not realised until this education.

I am so fortunate to have lived in a very sleepy village (Emmerdale like ha ha), and been safe and enjoyed my youth, and as a Caucasian English woman felt safe in my surrounding.

Every single human on this planet, should experience that, IT’S OUR GOD DAM HUMAN RIGHT!! (See here come the fire, ggrr). That’s the passion that sparked this, I started to open my eyes, I started to listen, and it frightened me, it upset me, and it made me think NO!!

Then I thought hold on “Women’s Security” that’s a big statement, and what I take from those two words, isn’t necessarily what someone else would take. So I took to our companies intranet and asked the 300 + employees what they thought by those two words…..

Acacia Trainings feedback;

Then stupidly I started to google…

The internet it’s marmite right?! Give’s us the information, but it’s another source of where this happens. We’re not even safe on our computers or phones.

I feel sick!! (That statistic is only the 16 - 34 year olds too, I'm not googling anymore stats, it's scary)

My Pledge – Lets act together, lets stand tall.

Your body, your mind - Your right!!

Let’s come together, lets fight this fight, lets make the future better for all, and heal the wounded.

Please take care of each other, we live in a world where we have APPs for everything. Live apps to show loved one’s where you are, APPs to report if you happen to be in a situation that you feel you are uncomfortable with.

You have people pounding the streets to keep you safe. Jo from Omega Security door staff, crimes did she make me cry with the experiences she shared with us. I truly think that this woman should be on the curriculums in schools, she talked about watching sexual predators in action, and how she had managed to stop it happening, and sometimes not, so so scary.

I love a good “text when you’re home”,

Stand up for yourself, educate yourself, that tap on the bum you got this Saturday in the pub, it may seem flattering, but that’s your bum and your choice, remember that.

It’s happening on your doorstep, to your friends, children, sisters. mothers, aunties lets change that.

If support is needed I can’t recommend @alphaomegawpsfoundation enough, and if more support is required, Amaka and her fabulous team can signpost you.

Look after you, look after your friends, and lets keep talking, lets fight the fight together as a community!!

Together we can build a better future xx

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