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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Elizabeth

8 – Charity – Self Help – Personal growth

I’m on a journey, to Snowden to be precise.

So, it’s not news to you that I’m going through something. At first, I thought it was the change, I was slightly hot, but now I think it’s growth.

I work for Acacia, their values are;

Everyone has a voice – well I’ve always had one of those, some may say with age, too much of a voice.

Respect the rights and opinions of others – now I’ve led a sheltered life in the country, with traditional/old fashioned views around me. In my career I‘ve moved around the world, but nothing has opened my eyes more than the knowledge and inclusion I’ve experienced here, in Crewe, Nantwich and Hanley under the umbrella of Acacia training. Mixing with everyone, from all backgrounds, with different beliefs and values, and goals, ambitions – I love it!

Safeguard all – this is a true passion of mine, like I’ve said before, if I could pass over what I know now, to someone just starting out, and keep everyone safe.

Do the right thing – this is the one I pride myself on, I’m honest, and I want to make a difference, and care sometimes too much.

So, bare this all-in mind, mixed with my health and beauty background now trying to educate, whilst I get educated…. vulnerability and honesty ;)

We must live to learn, oh I have lived, no regrets here!!

I mean as a mother I won’t be using that saying too much, let me tell you. But I do think experiences and knowledge is what shapes us.

Education, I have an audience of 16 year old learners and clients ranging to the more mature graduates (that was a professional way of saying it he he, sounds glamourous, I’m in the glamourous age range these days), what I would give to keep them safe, and not have to experience abuse, sadness, loss and all the bad things the world has to offer.

Family and friends, even more so. If I could take the hurt away from them going through experiences, nobody should every experience. I am a supporter, and I can certainly jump into action, and thrive on stress if needed. But when grieve calms down, and

loneliness fades and abuse is forgotten. The world keeps turning, however in my heart I still feel I need to do, to turn everything into a positive, to try minimizing it happening again to someone else, or support people going through something similar, or support something you may one day need yourself.

My niece, Robyn.

Robyn, my heart still flips when we talk about you, and I miss the memories we never got every day. Your memory will forever be in my heart, as my first niece. We will talk about you, we will reminisce, but what I will do is support the charities that made the worst time of my brothers and sister in laws life, a time they could wrap themselves in a bubble and embrace Robyn. A charity that gave memories, and started the healing process, and continue to bring hope and focus, and togetherness.

I will support a charity that nobody ever should have to hear about, but unfortunately I think we need more of.

I will walk to the top of Snowden, on May 20th, 2023, starting at midnight and finishing at sunrise, and I will have Robyn in my heart and join other families with their family members in their hearts. To raise just a little, to ease just one person’s life just a little. To make a difference.

Because for me, THAT is what life is about now.

Again, I am wondering about my choices, as the time gets nearer, why couldn’t I of done a cake sale (not that anyone would buy a cake from me ha ha).

Wider skills

One day somewhere someone I work with, or teach or meet will need a charity, and I would like to think I did my bit in my way. I also think if we can give these extra tools to these people to be able to, also find their strength when needed, or the knowledge of where to go to. Surely that’s worth it’s weight in gold.

Or even better use the power we must give back together. Again May 20th, 2023, we are giving back to Alpha Omega WPS Foundation, looking after women’s security by pampering them. Come help….all welcome.

What’s your pledge? What have you done today, to make yourself feel proud?

We face challenges, we survive, we learn, and we do! Well, I certainly will, that’s my pledge.

I enjoy giving back, I enjoy learning, and widening my skillset, and embracing a wider community, and knowledge. I feel I could take on the world sometimes, until I have a heavy day at work, then remember I have two toddlers, a large family, husband, friends,

an extra job, to exercise, diet and meditate and shower, you know the usual ha ha, crazy being. I’ve turned this into my hobby, but you don’t have to be so extreme, or crazy like me, you could simply.

Clean out your overcrowded wardrobe, and donate some clothes, but there’s still some with tags on, let’s be honest with ourselves ha ha. Donate that gift box, you know they tenth one you were given at Christmas, that you won’t open until the following November, some women in a refugee, what she would give for a luxury bubble bath, right?

Thought provoking moments, turn into conversations which turn into support and education. That friend that’s walking home alone this weekend, Hollie Guard app. Talk about it, share it. Read, listen to podcasts and share information with friends. I met a lady through work, the connection we have now, we have been through the same life experiences, and she’s forever sharing podcasts, now we’re going to do something for a charity we needed as young adults, but unfortunately didn’t know about. We’re going to help get the name out there, so that won’t happen for the next young girls that need it’s help.

We’re all on some kind of social media, share the posts, read them, donate.

I’ll think before I act next time, crazy superwoman old lady.

I don’t need to walk for 5-8 hours up a mountain in the dark, I could do as I have done before.

Woof Mudder for St Luke’s, great run until my dog thought she’d have the last laugh and put my face first into a mud pit hole, mmm. It’s for charity right.

Midnight walk, for St Luke’s Hospice, great vibe, a small route, or the longer route, either way there’s a bacon butty at the finish line, oh yeah and hopefully you’ve earned a spot at the hospice if you ever need it.

Nailed Mental Health, for Mind. This is one close to my heart, it’s no secret I suffer with mental health lows. So I organised a day, where my lovely learners did a set of nails for every person who had lost their battle with mental health in Crewe, in 2018. I will always be proud of this day, and everyone that was involved.

I have AS, so for ………. I walked 10k Steps every day for the month of October, whilst on Mat leave, whilst in a pandemic, whilst pregnant with my second. I wondered why I was tired, but I smashed it, some night’s I had to walk up and down the street or stairs to get there, but most days I managed it. Helping a charity that again, I may need again one day. A c

harity researching how to support people with this debilitating disease.

Finally, Snow Angels this one makes me sad. I befriended an older lady, who was lonely and just wanted a phone call once a week, someone you could go to, someone you could shop for, or take out. But I underestimated how little time I had, and unfortunately this got the better of me, and I had to let my weekly conversations with Marilyn go. She was wonderful, and I miss her.

Sometimes charity starts at home, and it just needs you to be there for your family, and most importantly you!

Remember you are nothing if you don’t love yourself first, a lesson I must remind myself daily, and the one lesson I find the hardest.

My last word, these activities first and foremost are for me, for my self-help, for my personal growth, and lucky they give back to some worthy causes.

Let me know if you hear of anything you think I’d like 😉

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